
Under this administration, the New Mexico Legislature has passed numerous innovative and nationally leading laws and policies that will prevent and mitigate climate change while ensuring our economy continues to thrive.

Clean Efficient Electricity and Buildings

Senate Bill 84, Community Solar Act: Authorizes subscriber-based community solar projects in New Mexico, making solar energy more accessible, particularly to low income households across the state.

House Bill 15, Sustainable Building Tax Credit: Updates and expands the tax credit for sustainably building and improving new and existing homes and commercial property with goals of lowering utility bills, reducing emissions, and improving community health. (2021)

Senate Bill 29, Solar Market Development Income Tax Credit: Reinstates a popular tax credit for solar panel installation. (2020)

Senate Memorial 63, Convene Community Solar Working Group: Requests the convening of a working group to review statewide community solar initiatives and develop recommendations for implementing them that result in a sustainable and scalable market-based program for the state. (2020)

House Bill 50, Amending the Industrial Revenue Bond Act: expands infrastructure for renewable energy by making transmission line projects eligible for Industrial Revenue Bond available through cities and municipalities. (2020)

House Bill 233, Energy Grid Modernization Roadmap: directs EMNRD to develop a strategic plan for energy grid modernization and establishes a competitive grant program to implement eligible grid modernization projects. (2020)

HB 291, Efficient Use of Energy Act: Updates during the 2019 session extended energy efficiency program requirements for utilities (2019)

Transportation Decarbonization

HB41, Clean Transportation Fuel Standards: allows producers and importers of low-carbon transportation fuels to generate clean fuel credits to sell to producers and importers of high-carbon transportation fuels. HB41 then directs the emissions of transportation fuels in New Mexico to decrease over time. (2024)

HB 521, PRC Application for Vehicle Electricity: Requires utilities to plan for electric vehicle infrastructure integration. (2019)

Industrial, Oil, and Gas Sector Emissions

Senate Bill 8, Local Government Air Quality Regulations: Enables the Environmental Improvement Board and local air quality boards to adopt regulations that are more stringent than those of the federal government to protect health and environment. (2021)

House Bill 76, EIB Permit Denial for Poor Compliance: Allows the Environment Department to deny or revoke an air quality permit for fact misrepresentation, disclosure refusal, prior court convictions within ten years, operation without a permit, or previous revocation. (2021)

Natural and Working Lands

House Bill 57, Prescribed Burning Act: Establishes the right of a private landowner to conduct appropriate prescribed burns, reduces legal liability for prescribed burns (particularly for certified burners), codifies the use of prescribed burning permits, and creates a prescribed burning training and certification program. (2021)

House Bill 89, Healthy Soil Tax Refund Contribution Option: Allows individuals to designate a portion of their annual state tax refund to the Healthy Soil Program of the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. (2021)

House Bill 157, Mining Act Forfeiture Fund: Establishes a fund which can accept and manage any financial assurance forfeited by a mine operator who has suffered a default, enabling EMNRD to successfully complete reclamation of the mine site. (2021)

House Bill 146, Extend Agricultural Biomass Income Tax Credit: Extends the agricultural biomass income tax credit to January 1, 2030 which promotes biomass use for commercial use. (2020)

HB 204, Healthy Soils Act: Established program for farmers and ranchers to improve soil health, which can lead to carbon sequestration (2019)

HB 266, Forest and Watershed Restoration Act: Includes $2 million annually for projects that support climate resilience (2019)

Economic Transition

Senate Bill 112, Sustainable Economy Task Force: Establishes a task force from select state cabinet departments and agencies to create a strategic plan for a just transition to a sustainable economy away from reliance on natural resource extraction. The task force is advised by a Sustainable Economy Advisory Board. (2021)

SB 489, Energy Transition Act: Set new renewable energy targets for the power sector; established funds for communities and workforces shifting to alternate power supplies (2019)