Taking your pack or den camping? At least one adult must take BALOO training first

BALOO stands for Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation. It’s the introductory training Cub Scout leaders should complete before taking Cub Scouts on an overnight camping trip.

Recent updates to this two-part course make the content more impactful, useful and convenient.

The new BALOO combines the previous BALOO and a course called Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders, or OWL.

As of Feb. 28, 2018, OWL is no more. The OWL training code — C33 — has been retired. The training code for the new, hybrid BALOO is C32.

Who should take BALOO?

The BSA requires that you have at least one BALOO-trained adult on every Cub Scout den or pack overnight outdoor event. That include pack camping and Webelos den overnighters.

A BALOO-trained leader should be at any overnighter regardless of whether it is a pack, district or council event.

Having at least one BALOO-trained adult will make your Cub Scouts’ camping experience as awesome as it can be.

Why should I take BALOO?

Leaders who complete BALOO training are better prepared to plan pack den or pack overnight events.

You’ll learn how to make camping activities and outings fun. You’ll discover how to keep your Cub Scouts safe and entertained. And you’ll learn how to plan an event that’s rooted firmly in Cub Scouting’s principles.

Successful experiences in the outdoors make Cub Scouts — and their parents — more likely to keep coming back.

How do I take BALOO?

BALOO consists of two components: online and hands-on. You’ll need to complete both — in order — to qualify as a “Trained” Cub Scout outdoor leader and receive the BALOO recognition patch.

  1. Online component: The online portion of BALOO is available 24/7 on the BSA Learn Center. Just log in to My.Scouting.org to begin. The goal of the online portion is to make the best use of time to allow leaders to experience as much as possible during the practical hands-on training.
  2. Practical, hands-on component: This 1.5-day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for leaders interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. Check with your district or council to see if they’re offering a BALOO training soon.

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