OFCCP's TAG Part 14: Compliance Reviews & More

By: Cassie Alfheim
We conclude our blog series regarding the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program’s (OFCCP) Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) for supply and service contractors and subcontractors by diving into OFCCP’s compliance review process and types of audits. We will finish this series by describing the final sections of the TAG: Complaint Investigations, Confidentiality of Records, and Compliance Assistance. This is the final of DCI’s 14-part OFCCP supply and service TAG series; you can find each of these posts on our blog here .

Compliance Reviews

At any point during the desk audit process, OFCCP may circle back to the contractor requesting additional information, data, or clarification. These requests are commonly referred to as “Requests for Information” (RFI). The TAG describes the areas OFCCP will analyze as it continues its desk audit.

Personnel Activity Analysis

Using the reports provided in response to the scheduling letter, OFCCP performs preliminary statistical analyses on personnel activity from the reporting period ( i.e., applicants, hiring, promotions, terminations, etc.). The TAG indicates that OFCCP utilizes impact ratio analyses and standard deviation analyses to evaluate whether there might be adverse impact in selection rates between males versus females, minorities versus non-minorities, and specific races/ethnicities compared to other races/ethnicities.

Per the TAG, “Adverse impact is defined as ‘a substantially different rate of selection in hiring, promotion, transfer, training, or other employment related decisions for any race, sex, or ethnic group.” The TAG indicates that when OFCCP’s initial analyses result in statistically significant adverse impact, the agency will usually follow-up with RFIs for underlying data, policies or procedures, and/or requests for interviews with contractor representatives such as hiring managers or recruiters involved in the personnel activity at issue.

When adverse impact is identified in OFCCP’s preliminary analyses of hiring, the agency will seek additional information, documentation, and underlying data to justify selection decisions made by the employer. The TAG reminds contractors and subcontractors to ensure all selection policies and procedures are clear, well-documented, non-discriminatory, and consistently applied. Clarity and consistency are integral to a contractor’s ability to defend itself if OFCCP’s findings are erroneous.

OFCCP evaluates promotion selection rates by dividing the number of individuals who were promoted by the number of eligible individuals in the promotion pool. If those rates indicate adverse impact, the agency will request additional information and documentation, and/or request interviews with hiring managers and/or human resources personnel. The TAG provides four best practices for providing equal opportunities through promotions. These are as follows: